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Selectmen's Minutes Public Hearing 1/11/06
January 11, 2006

PRESENT:  Selectmen William Roach, Emma Smith, Richard Leone and Stephen White.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty.

OTHERS:  See sign-in sheet attached.

Chairman William called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.  He explained that the meeting was posted for 6:30 PM with the bond hearing beginning at 6:45 PM.  

W. Roach updated those present with regard to what was happening with the state wide property tax.  The Board was authorized to spend $20,000 to see what they could do to do away with the state wide property tax.  Sunapee joined other towns in a coalition that were in the same predicament and over a period of time with a long struggle, he reported that this year there are only three towns in the state that are now considered donor towns.  W. Roach stated that there are bills in the legislature this year to do away with donor towns entirely.   He stated that the Board of Selectmen has explored making the county tax more equitable.  With regard to the $20,000 appropriation, the Board has spent nothing.   The Selectmen submitted ten bills to the legislature to try to alleviate the county tax problem.  They were in Concord today to testify on two bills that may be an advantage for Sunapee and plan to go again on the 19th of this month.  He stated that the bill being discussed on the 19th is very important and would cap the county tax at a percentage of the population with regards to the total county population with a 2% cap.  He gave the Town Manager, Donna Nashawaty, the credit for doing much of the work.  He stated that if this bill passed, Sunapee’s county tax bill would decrease by $1,400,000.  

W. Roach announced that the filing period for elected town positions is January 25 to February 3 and the following positions are open:  1 moderator, 2 selectmen, 1 treasurer, 1 town clerk/tax collector, 1 fire engineer, 1 cemetery commission, 1 library trustee, 1 supervisor of the checklist, 1 trust fund, 2 planning board members, 2 water and sewer commissioners and 2 zoning board members.

At 6:45 PM, Chairman Roach opened the public hearing for the bond issue for a water line on Lake Avenue.  W. Roach read the article in its entirety as below:

To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $946,000.00 for the design, construction, supervision engineering and construction of the Lake Avenue Waterline Replacement project, and to authorize the withdrawal of $46,000 from the existing water department general fund and to further to authorize the issuance of not more than $900,000.00 of bonds or notes, and to determine the rates of interest thereon in accordance with RSA Chapter 33, provided:


 1.Without impairing the general obligation of the Town to repay such bonds, the Water and Sewer Commission shall collect through user fees amounts necessary to support repayment of 100% of the portion of project costs supported by such bonds:

        2.  The Water and Sewer Commission is authorized to defray a portion of the costs of the project thereby reduce the amount to be raised from the issuance and sale of bonds, from any and all grants-in-aid available from the United States of America or the State of New Hampshire for said purpose, acceptance of which is hereby authorized, together with authorization to incur indebtedness in anticipation of receipt of such grants-in-aid, pursuant to RSA 33:7-b.  The Water and Sewer Commissioners shall determine whether the amount to be raised from issuance and sale of bonds may be reduced after determining the amounts available from the alternate sources specified in this paragraph.  (3/5 majority vote required – SB2)

W. Roach then invited Bob Henry, Chairman of the Water and Sewer Commission, to address the article.  B. Henry explained that the current Lake Avenue waterline is over 100 years old and serves 20% of the users.  He feels that a new line may bring in more users.  B. Henry brought in a sample of an old water line which showed the build up inside the line which impedes water flow.  The line proposed for Lake Avenue is a 10” line and will provide a greater amount of water to the users.  A petition was received from the residents requesting that something be done with the old line.  The project is being planned to be done in conjunction with paving planned by the Highway Department.  The project start would be 2007.  All new curbing will also be installed.  Included in the $946,000 request is $46,000 for engineering services.  The total project cost does not include grant money, but this is being investigated.  B. Henry stated that the Commissioners are very confident that the project can be completed with the amount requested.  This will not affect the tax rate and is being paid for by users.  The estimated user cost is approximately $80 per year per household.  Virginia Soule inquired about pro-rating the cost depending on usage as she is a seasonal user.  Catherine Busheuff asked if all system users would be charged or only those on this line.  B. Henry stated that all users in Sunapee would be charged.  Gene Hall stated he applauded the water and sewer commissioners for this project and asked about paving the road.  It was explained that the Highway Department would be doing this.  G. Hall also asked about the possibility of burying utility lines.  B. Henry responded that this was not looked into.  John Mapley suggested that the article be written in such a way that tax payers will know they won’t be charged for this line. He believes that those not on town water may vote this down thinking it will affect their tax bill.  

W. Roach closed the hearing at 7:17 PM.

W. Roach opened the budget and warrant hearing at 7:20 PM.  


D. Nashawaty asked if everyone was able to pick up the handouts that appeared on a table behind seating.    She will be using these to explain the budget and warrant.   D. Nashawaty began with the explanation of handout #1 – comparative statement of expenditures showing the proposed operating budget before revenues are applied to it.  She stated the greater increase in the proposed budget was due to the high fuel prices.  The department heads, when compiling their budgets, were told to budget for needed services and to not expand them.  She explained that many meetings were held with the Budget Advisory Committee and department heads and she was very pleased to announce that the budget is the same as 2005 and should have no affect on the tax rate.  

D. Nashawaty explained that Article 26 is the veteran’s exemption article that was promised to appear this year to increase the veteran’s exemption to $500.  This amounts to approximately $44,000.  

One of the items added to the 2006 budget is the assessor who Sunapee shares with New London and Newbury.  The assessor position will save the town approximately 25% over a five year period.  D. Nashawaty explained that the town will not have to have another revaluation again with the appointment of the assessor.   Employees of the Town received a 3.7% increase in salaries.   This is the CPIU at the end of 2005.  She also stated that the employees will have to pay an increase in health insurance.  D. Nashawaty informed those present that the Town did not have to make an interest payment on the Safety Services Building as was budgeted because she was able to pay all bills to date out of the operating budget.  This saved the Town between $40,000 and $65,000.    She explained that the Highway Department budget includes a sidewalk project at the harbor.  The town will do one-half in 2006 and the second half in 2007.  The Police Department includes a part time prosecutor which is a new position at $14,000.  D. Nashawaty explained that another increase in the budget is an additional 10 hours per week for a part time town office employee.  This employee will be giving more assistance to the Planning and Zoning Office as they have seen a great increase in applications and permits.  She further added that 58% of the total operating budget is for personnel.   D. Nashawaty explained that the budget did include repairs to one bridge.  Two bridges had been planned, but they decided to do the second bridge next year.  The operating budget also includes a part time maintenance person to take care of all town buildings.  

D. Nashawaty then explained the proposed warrant articles.  The handout is attached to the file copy of these minutes.  She explained what would have to be paid for by taxation and what wouldn’t.  This is shown on the attached handout.  D. Nashawaty stated that the mailer for the deliberative session will be going out in two weeks.  

At 7:50 PM William Roach closed the public hearing.  He thanked the department heads for their hard efforts and assistance working on the budget.


The Board of Selectmen then took their votes on Article 18 (the bond issue) and Article 21 (water and sewer engineering).  Motion was made by Stephen White to recommend Article 18.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.  The Budget Advisory Committee voted unanimously to recommend the article.

Motion was made by Stephen White to recommend Article 21.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.  The Budget Advisory Committee voted unanimously to recommend the article.

The Board of Selectmen and Budget Advisory Committee met to discuss the BAC recommendation of Article 30 – Sargent Road Intersection with Route 11.  The Budget Advisory Committee voted unanimously to recommend the article.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved______________________

_____________________________                   ______________________________
William Roach, Chairman                                     Emma Smith, Vice Chairman

_____________________________                   ______________________________
Richard Leone                                           Frederick Gallup

Stephen W. White